Friday, February 23, 2007

Expert Goes On Record: Bin Laden 9/11 Confession Is Bogus

Professor says there is no doubt infamous Bin Laden tape is fake, being used to deflect 9/11 "conspiracy theories"
Steve Watson
Monday, February 19, 2007
A leading expert on Osama Bin Laden has officially gone on the record saying that he believes the so called "9/11 Confession" tape, released shortly after the attacks, is an outright fake that has been used by US intelligence agencies to deflect attention from
"conspiracy theories" about 9/11.

Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's Religious Studies program, joined Kevin Barrett last Friday on his radio show (, 2/16/2007, first hour) in his first public interview since comments he made last year indicating that he believes Bin Laden may be dead and that many of the newer tapes are either fake or consist of old audio and video.

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