Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Real John McCain

Brave New Films are becoming increasingly concerned that the real John McCain story is not being told. Many in the media are in love with the "maverick" despite his changing positions, and obvious political pandering. We HAVE to do something about this!

So we did some extensive research on his flip-flopping, and can now proudly present:

John McCain vs. John McCain

John McCain vs. John McCain video

On our new website, TheRealMcCain.com, you'll also find a scathing new blog penned by top McCain watcher and fellow hellraiser, Cliff Schecter.


Please forward this video and email on! We need your ideas, inspiration, and smart ways to spread this new website and video to your networks. It's how we'll change the media's love affair with McCain, and everyone else's too.

All the best,
Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films

P.S. The Los Angeles Times has a front-page story on all this today: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-internet29jan29,0,4114166.story

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