Thursday, October 12, 2006

[Infowarsnews] Media Hypes Nutcase Scribblings as "Terror Plot Admission"

Media Hypes Nutcase Scribblings as "Terror Plot Admission"
Admits no funding, no bombs, no vehicles, but still saturates fairy tale story while ignoring biggest explosives find in British history

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | October 12 2006

The British media is feverishly hyping the deranged notes of a screwball Muslim Londoner as evidence of a huge "terror plot admission" in which Wall Street and other prominent buildings were the target - despite the fact that the suspect had no means whatsoever to carry out the attack - meanwhile completely ignoring a report earlier this week where the largest haul of explosives and a rocket launcher were found at a white man's house in Burnley.

"A man has pleaded guilty to conspiring to murder people in a series of bombings on British and US targets," reports the BBC.

"The plans were for attacks on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank buildings in Washington, the New York Stock Exchange and Citigroup buildings in New York and the Prudential buildings in Newark, New Jersey."

According to the latest manufactured monster in the closet fairy tale, Dhiren Barot, of north London, planned to use a radioactive "dirty bomb" as well as blowing up cars in underground UK parking lots using gas cylinders and explosives.

Here's the kicker.

"The Crown could not dispute claims from the defence that no funding had been received for the projects, nor any vehicles or bomb-making materials acquired."

No money, no vehicles, no bombs - just some retarded nutcase scrawling absent-minded empty threats in a notebook. Should he be investigated by the police? No doubt about it. Should his "confession" of scribbling demented ramblings in a paper pad be splashed all over the top of the BBC website and head up the evening news as a major foiled bomb plot?

No. That's outright fearmongering and artificially inflating a nothing story to feed into the public's fear of its own shadow - greasing the skids for Blair to shred the remaining tatters of liberty and blanket the country with more shouting telescreens.

The hype surrounding this nothing story is especially vacuous when you consider that earlier in the week the "largest ever" haul of explosives was found at a house in Burnley - including a chemicals, bio-suits and even a rocket launcher. The find was briefly reported on by a handful of local town newspapers but completely blacked out by the national print and TV press.

Some charge that the BBC were complicit in burying the story.

Why was it nixed and why was the suspect later released? Because he wasn't and Arab or Muslim. He couldn't be stereotyped, pigeon-holed and packaged as another example of how deadly Al-Qaeda cells are running around in our back gardens - but Mr. Limo Bomber (pictured above) can. If this guy had dark skin we would be hearing about the biggest terror bust in British history for weeks.

As it is we've heard next to nothing but the government and media are content to luridly obsess about the alleged fantasies of a crackpot who had no means whatsoever of carrying out his ridiculous "Gas Limos Project" - no gas and no limos for a start.

Compare it with past examples where Muslims were targeted, raided, demonized as terrorists, and salacious stories about their supposed impending massacres were given saturation coverage for weeks - before the evidence vanished into thin air and tiny retractions were issued on page 30.

An alleged Al-Qaeda cell was arrested on suspicion of preparing to poison the London Underground with Ricin in January 2003. The government used the incident as a scare tactic to rally Britons behind the imminent war on Iraq. It was eventually disclosed that no Ricin was ever found and all the members of the supposed plot were released with no evidence or charges against them.

In April 2004 police in Manchester arrested a group of Kurds and subsequent newspaper headlines claimed that they were an Al-Qaeda cell planning to bomb Old Trafford football stadium. Their evidence for such a claim was based on police interviews with one of the individuals who had attended a Manchester United game two years previously. Simply because he had attended a football game because he supported the team, the tabloid newspapers invented the story that he was planning on bombing the stadium. All of the suspects, who ironically had come to Britain to escape the regime of Saddam Hussein, were released without charge and with no evidence against them.

The London Guardian reported,

"Of the 701 people arrested under the Terrorism Act since the September 11 attacks, half have been released without charge and only 17 convicted under the act. Only three of those cases relate to allegations of Islamist extremism."

Despite this fact we are regularly bombarded with screaming headlines about mass terror sweeps, and it goes unmentioned that in nearly every case every so-called 'terrorist' is released with no evidence against them. The arrests are at the top of the evening news for days but there is no clarification or retraction when the suspects are set free. This leaves the viewer with the impression that terrorists are everywhere and that only a draconian police state can protect them against the threat.

In June London Metropolitan police had to apologize for a bungled raid in which an innocent man was shot and no evidence of terrorism preparation was found at a Forest Gate home. The raid, which involved nearly 300 armed police, was based on the testimony of a retarded government informant.

Later the same month, British authorities announced they had foiled an Al-Qaeda plot to fly planes into buildings in Canary Wharf. The fact the this story was thoroughly discredited back in November 2004 as a collusion of imaginative government lobbyists and lapdog media collaborators was completely omitted and the story was recycled and regurgitated to re-fuel the politics of fear.

Then came the infamous "transatlantic bomb plot" in August, discredited by a former British Ambassador as "propaganda" and like the Barot case admitted to have been supported by no concrete material evidence.

The origins of the plot strongly indicate it was concocted from within the Pakistani ISI, British MI6 and the CIA - and was intended to go ahead before being scuppered by good intelligence agents who were doing their jobs.

The constant barrage of hyped phony terror alerts and false raids are becoming increasingly transparent to the British public - with only 20% believing their veracity according to a recent Guardian/ICM poll.

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