Wednesday, August 20, 2008

criminalized for the benefit of a chemical company, a newspaper mogul and a banker.

There is a staggeringly high and ever increasing numbers of Americans declaring personal bankruptcy because they are having to pay their High Medical Bills, even though many had paid in to a full Medical Insurance schemes for decades. The following come as no surprise then that we learn the American Corporations still insist on putting profits before the health and well being of its very own citizens.


Demon Marijuana

one of the most useful plants known to man was criminalized by the US government in the 1930s or the benefit of a chemical company, a newspaper mogul and a banker.
Grown worldwide for millennia as a source of food, medicine, fibre and paper, hemp was banned for the first time in human history in 1938 by the United States.

The original impetus for outlawing the hemp plant came from the DuPont and Mellon families with an important assist from William Randolf Hearst.

Hearst owned timber rights for millions of acres of forest land, the raw material for newsprint. DuPont had patents for numerous synthetic products that hemp is competitive with.

Harry Anslinger, the virulent racist who headed the Bureau of Narcotics and spear-headed the campaign against "demon marijuana" was married to the niece of Richard Mellon of the Mellon banking family.

For those who believe that the world is run by and for the benefit of a few interlocking families, this episode provides evidence for that position.

Enforcing marijuana laws and jailing offenders is a multi-billion dollar a year business that employs tens of thousands of people.
The Drusader

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