This veil debate is just going over the top and is starting to smell of something in the way of stirring up trouble against the British and Islamic ways of life.
Jack Straw only asked if Muslim women would "not wear veils which cover the face" when they attended his Blackburn constituency surgeries. He did not ask them to take their cloths off and did not ask that they not wear head scarf's or the full covering dress nor did he criticise the Muslim faith. He just believed that covering people's faces could make community relations more difficult and he has a right to have this view. We know how much facial expressions are needed to help in the communication of words, it may not be for the Islamic language but it is for English.
But what gets me about this new state of the debate involving Ms Azmi, who was suspended from a school for wearing a full face veil whilst teaching her pupils is this, Why was she working at a Church of England school in the first place? there are many Islamic schools that need teachers, why did she not work there where she could wear a full face veil without causing problems.
The court heard that when she applied for the job and attended the interviews she did not mention that she would have to wear a veil and was not wearing a full face veil at the time of the interview. She must of known that by wearing a veil at the Headfield Church of England Junior School in Dewsbury would cause problems. Seems a certain person knew and wanted to challenge our religious establishment or at the least stir up trouble. She did not loose her job and continues to receive her salary, thought to be about £15,000, she was just suspended for refusing to NOT teach without the veil.
The confusing thing is that she stated that her religion dictates that women wear the full face veil yet the women in Muslim countries state that it is not compulsory for women to wear the full face veil and that they do not wear it because they feel that it is repressive of the Muslim women.
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