Monday, April 30, 2007

NY Police Report Bomb to Frame Activist as Terrorist

"By the time the government finds out, you'll be in the hole thirty days" 9/11 Truther is Told By Officer Who Admits to False Accusation of Having a Bomb
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Two persons identifying themselves as New York police officers interrupted a 9/11 Truth demonstration on a public sidewalk in front of the new WTC 7 Building to intimidate free speech, stating "Larry [Silverstein] doesn't want to hear it," before accusing We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski of having a bomb and that his cell phone was "a gun."

Friday, April 27, 2007

A new video about Mission Accomplished day

Mission Accomplished ??????

Can't see the video above then click here:

Dear activists, colleagues, and friends,

It's almost May 1st. Who can forget the so-called "Mission Accomplished" from four years ago? Who can forget the pomp and circumstance, the primping and posturing in a staged photo-op built on the backs of those destroyed by the war. The mission has not been accomplished.

In honor of all those who have been killed, whose lives have been destroyed in this terrible war of choice, we have been working hard on a short film that will not let that horrific day go unnoticed.

Watch the film and spread it far and wide:

We've also got a contest looking for what SHOULD have been on the "mission accomplished" banner. Submit your banner and the winning one will be on car bumpers all over the country! (You'll get some cool stuff too) For more details, and to enter:

The spoken word performance in the video was done by a wonderfully talented young man, Steven Connell, who's been in feature films on HBO, Showtime and MTV. He is a strong, creative, and articulate voice in reaching a young and diverse audience. We are grateful for his time and effort, and to Norman Lear who first found and called Steven to the attention of a wider audience.

Go on, watch it!

Just days before this video and website was to go online, an American soldier serving in Afghanistan wrote an op-ed which has since stirred up a national debate. The soldier questioned why we do not lower the flag to half-staff when a soldier dies at war. We at Brave New Foundation were so inspired by his question that we decided to begin a petition to amend the US Flag Code.

Sign the petition to have flags lowered for a day each time an American service member dies at war:

Please forward this on far and wide -- to your friends, schools, churches, to any local television or radio. We must not let this day go unnoticed. We must make our voices and passions heard.

Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Foundation team

P.S. We have been overwhelmed with your ideas, enthusiasm and support since we asked for your input on our future projects. We're carefully looking through everything, and will have more to share on my blog soon.

Brave New Foundation
10510 Culver Blvd / Culver City, CA 90232 / 800-525-8212 /

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VA Massacre Proves Government Can't Protect You

VA Massacre Proves Government Can't Protect You

The loudest message sent by what happened at Virginia Tech yesterday is that government cannot and will not protect you.

Contrast the events at VA Tech with the 1966 UT Tower shooting, which was until yesterday the deadliest shooting massacre on a University campus in America.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

US Aiding Al Qaeda Affiliated Group In Iran?

Pakistani Intel sources and Iranian parliament claims CIA aiding anti-Iranian militants
Friday, April 6, 2007
A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005 according to Pakistani Intelligence and Iranian officials.

Government Report: Bio-Weapons Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulation

MoD dossier outlines nightmare vision of new world order, ethnic cleansing, class warfare, brain chips by 2035
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, April 9, 2007
A British government Ministry of Defence report outlines a nightmare future society in which the population are forced to accept brain chips, immigration and urbanization ravages communities, class warfare ensues, and biological and neutron weapons are used to combat overpopulation.

Ecological Apocalypse: Why Are All The Bees Dying?

GM, toxic chemicals, chemtrails destroying eco-system, threatening very survival of humanity
The alarming decline in bee populations across the United States and Europe represents a potential ecological apocalypse, an environmental catastrophe that could collapse the food chain and wipe out humanity. Who and what is behind this flagrant abuse of the eco-system?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Enemies Of Free Speech Launch 'Stop Rosie' Website, Petition

Because they can't debate us on the facts, Neo-Con bootlickers use mob intimidation tactics to shut down free speech
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Anti-American enemies of free speech have launched an official campaign to have Rosie O'Donnell fired for asking questions about 9/11 and the Iranian hostage crisis, setting up a website and a farcical poll - a sizable portion of whose signatories consist of fake names and joke entries.

O'Reilly's America: Who Is The Real "Hater"?

A place where the right to disagree = the right to be locked up
Steve Watson

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Bill O'Reilly's torrent of attacks upon Rosie O'Donnell, Charlie Sheen and Mark Cuban over the past few days in regards to their outspoken views on 9/11 is a prime example of why the First Amendment should never be presided over by those in power.

O'Donnell Pledges Allegiance To 9/11 Truth

Says America is great because of "freedom to speak and think freely"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, April 2, 2007
After quoting George Orwell in response to Bill O'Reilly's intimidation tactics, Rosie O'Donnell has now pledged allegiance to 9/11 truth, writing on her blog that the reaction of those who have savaged her for simply asking questions proves freedom of speech and the country itself is under severe threat.

UK hacker loses extradition fight

UK hacker loses extradition fight
A British man has lost his High Court fight against extradition to the US for allegedly carrying out the "biggest military computer hack of all time".

Glasgow-born Gary McKinnon, 41, is accused of gaining access to 97 US military and Nasa computers.

Home Secretary John Reid granted the US request to extradite him for trial.

At the High Court in London, his lawyers argued he had been subjected to "improper threats" and the move would breach his human rights.

His lawyers had argued that, if extradited, he would face an unknown length of time in pre-trial detention, with no likelihood of bail.

He would also face a long prison sentence, "in the region of 45 years" and may not be allowed to serve part of the sentence at home in the UK, Edmund Lawson QC said.

Mr McKinnon has never denied that he accessed the computer networks of a wide number of US military institutions between February 2001 and March 2002.

Mr McKinnon, arrested in November 2002, has always maintained that he was motivated by curiosity and that he only managed to get into the networks because of lax security.


BBC Click Online interview with Gary McKinnon

The transcript and video clip of the BBC Click Online interview with Gary McKinnon is now online.

Note to the people interested in "UFOs" - Gary claims to have seen possible evidence of "supressed technology", which does not have to be "alien" in origin.

Gary McKinnon's Extradition hearing is this Wednesday 10th May 2006. starting at 10 am at Bow Street Court in London.

Continue reading "BBC Click Online interview with Gary McKinnon" »


Gary's main website:

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Iran complains to UK over consulate shots in Iraq

2nd April 2007
Source: Euro News

Iran has lodged a formal protest over another incident involving British troops near its consulate in the Iraqi city of Basra.
The Foreign Minister reportedly wrote a letter saying soldiers surrounded the consulate on Thursday and fired into the air.

The letter - sent to the British embassy in Tehran - called on Britain to prevent a repeat of this and called for its forces to respect the laws protecting diplomatic places.

The Iranian Ambassador on Thursday said the troops actually entered the Consulate for ten minutes.

The British military denies the accusations. It is reported as saying its soldiers never left their vehicles but instead came under fire themselves from the consulate.